Michelle Egger

Michelle Egger Profile Photo

Co-founder and CEO

As a passionate food scientist, Michelle looks to combat global food security and malnutrition in everything she does. She has expertise in dairy fermentation, formulation, and processing and is thrilled to ditch the cows for humans. Inspired by upstream solutions for infant nutrition at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, she became obsessed with advancing human nutrition through better infant feeding options. Michelle seeks to harness the capacity to drive environmental and social change through creative food solutions with a consumer-first design. Her entrepreneurial expertise in social impact and sustainable business models drives her commitment to seeking mission-aligned partners.

Feb. 3, 2022

Is Lab-Made Human Milk a Moonshot or a Mommy Must-Have? An Interview with BIOMILQ

Dr. Leila Strickland and Michelle Egger believe the $100 billion dollar infant formula industry isn’t serving the nutritional needs of newborns.