Season 1

April 7, 2022

Can We Innovate Our Way Out of Global Hunger (Part 1)?

On the face of it, the problem James Rogers was trying to solve for as a grad student is pretty simple: how can you get produce to last longer? Once the materials science PhD student started digging, he found out that nature ...

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March 31, 2022

When Will Fake Meat Taste Like Real Meat?

These days, there are so many ways food entrepreneurs are making plant-based meat. There are using methods like fermentation, or culturing meat cells, or simply using a plant-based source like pea...

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March 24, 2022

Does the Dark Matter in Plants...Matter?

Did you know that black pepper can boost your metabolic health? That's just one nugget that Brightseed, a startup that studies the compounds in plants, has uncovered. But there's so much more to ...

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March 17, 2022

Can Farmers Use Tech to Take on Big Ag Companies?

Farmer's Business Network is one of the seminal disruptors in agriculture. Founded in 2014 by Charles Baron and Amol Deshpande, FBN's crowdsourced platform has challenged Big Ag companies - conglo...

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March 11, 2022

Can Robots Improve Food Delivery?

Amogha Srirangarajan is the founder of Carbon Origins, which develops robots to deliver food on college campuses, and hires human gamers to operate them.

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March 3, 2022

Can A Legacy Company Be a Disruptor? An Interview with Puris

You may never have heard the name PURIS Foods, but there's a good chance you've tasted their products but today, PURIS counts Beyond Meat and some of your favorite plant-based milks as its clients.

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Feb. 24, 2022

Can You Do Good and Make Money at the Same TIme?

Lindsey Hoell is the founder of Dispatch Goods which aims to make the oceans cleaner by getting restaurants - and their customers - to switch to reusable packaging. The sharp, opinionated, inquisitive, and action-oriented founder joins us to talk changing the world.

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Feb. 17, 2022

Can an Entrepreneur be Successful at a Big Company? An Interview with…

Amol Dixit calls himself a company guy and an entrepreneur. Amol heads up G-works, or General Mills’ startup incubator, and talks to us about being an entrepreneur inside a major corporation.

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Feb. 10, 2022

How Does a Startup Survive the Pandemic? An Interview with Hungry

Jeff Grass and Eman Pahlevani are a pair of entrepreneurs who were working on a business when they stumbled upon a personal pain point - how can they access affordable, fresh, home-cooked food when they’re stuck in an office all day?

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Feb. 3, 2022

Is Lab-Made Human Milk a Moonshot or a Mommy Must-Have? An Interview …

Dr. Leila Strickland and Michelle Egger believe the $100 billion dollar infant formula industry isn’t serving the nutritional needs of newborns.

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Jan. 26, 2022

Are Vertical Farms a Need or a Want? An Interview With Matt Barnard, …

Matt Barnard is the co-founder of Plenty (a Softbank-backed vertical farming company that seeks to feed the world in the most sustainable way possible. He speaks to us about creating, at scale, autonomous farms run by robots, to produce the most delicious produce available on the market.

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Jan. 26, 2022

Can you Make Milk Without the Cow? An Interview with Perfect Day

We're joined by Ryan Pandya and Perumal Gandhi, the co-founders of Perfect Day, a company that makes the proteins you find in milk in a lab using a method called fermentation.

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