Agriculture Episodes

March 9, 2023

Can Data Fix Food? A Conversation with Kellee James, Founder/CEO, Mer…

Markets and data transparency may sound like dry subjects, until you hear Kellee James talk about her life’s work. Kellee is the CEO and founder of Mercaris, a market data service, and trading platform for organic agricultural products. Over the course of her life, Kellee saw the power of exchanges…

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Jan. 26, 2023

Is Product-Market Fit All That Really Matters? A Conversation with Jo…

It’s not often that a company comes along and develops a product so game-changing, that it not only disrupts an entire industry, but sets the bar for any other company innovating in that area. Blue River Technology is that company. The startup was launched by Jorge Heraud and Lee Redden when they w…

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Jan. 19, 2023

Will Cannabis Go Big or Go Bust? An Interview with Kyla Sirni, Dispen…

Cannabis has arrived, and it’s spreading fast, far, and deep. Marijuana is legal for recreational use in nearly two dozen states. Gwyneth Paltrow, Jay-Z, Joe Montana, and Martha Stewart are just s...

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March 17, 2022

Can Farmers Use Tech to Take on Big Ag Companies?

Farmer's Business Network is one of the seminal disruptors in agriculture. Founded in 2014 by Charles Baron and Amol Deshpande, FBN's crowdsourced platform has challenged Big Ag companies - conglo...

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Jan. 26, 2022

Are Vertical Farms a Need or a Want? An Interview With Matt Barnard, …

Matt Barnard is the co-founder of Plenty (a Softbank-backed vertical farming company that seeks to feed the world in the most sustainable way possible. He speaks to us about creating, at scale, autonomous farms run by robots, to produce the most delicious produce available on the market.

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